Cooking as therapy
There is a lot of things going on right now. Trump arrives soon, Trudeau leaves soon, my football tea. (West Ham United) was bounced out of the FA Cup thanks to shit refereeing; there's a lot out there. I don't know about you, but I feel overwhelmed a bit.
So I put on a cooking show (The Splended Table) and knocked out a stew and some cookies.
Listening to something educational, but not news based, was enjoyable. Cooking for me is always therapeutic. I broke down an inexpensive roast, cut the potatos and carrots, browned the meat, and simmered everything together. The cookies are my secret recipe cookies found on the back of the Nestle packages. The result: nothing to do with the news for good part of the afternoon. That crap can wait until Monday.
Enjoy what's left of the weekend.