Sunday Share #12
I hated homework as a kid. If the work was a project, fine. If it was meaningless time-wasting bullshit meant to beat this student into academic submission, I hated it with a passion. Ms. Amo, who tried to teach me Grade 10 math, and later attempted Grade 12 math, believed in this mind-numbing exercise in futility. That’s why I failed her Grade 10 Advanced Math class once, and her Grade 12 math class twice. I don’t care why a quadratic equation works. Don’t give a shit why cosine works. Just tell me if I have “Problem A” I need to use XYZ to solve it. I don’t need to know how a Dodge Challenger with a 426 Supercharged Hemi engine products 808 horsepower — just let me drive the fucking thing.
This was an interesting read about the impact of AI on homework.